Is it Time to Breakup?

3 reasons to leave your relationship

Casey Braga
5 min readNov 14, 2022
Photo by mk. s on Unsplash

Should I leave my partner? I asked myself this question almost daily for months. Before I made my decision, I found myself deep in the internet searching for an answer. I knew the answer was in me, I just wasn’t able to access it. There was too much noise between me and “my gut,” and I wanted to believe if I searched hard enough I’d come across the right answer and be able to move forward accordingly. Only, it wasn’t that simple.

I oscillated between the sentiment that relationships are hard work and you shouldn’t give up on them, and the belief that a relationship shouldn’t feel this way. I wanted to stay committed, but I also did not want to abandon myself in the process. The more committed you are to a relationship, and the more intertwined your life is with another person, the harder it is to leave. It’s often a decision with massive repurcussions — financial, emotional, practical, and psychological — and not one that allows us time off from our daily life to cope and process a massive change. There was no time to grieve the life I had spent three years building.

Here are a few reasons that I left. They might not be your reasons to leave but at the heart of my many months of contemplation, I believe my answer laid in the following reasons to leave:



Casey Braga

I’m just trying to learn as much as I can when I’m here. Student of counselling psych and my many mistakes. Soft-hearted, open-minded, slow-moving.